Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dr Appointment Cancelled, Dr Appointment Made

Once we got the internet up, Seth had received an email from Dr G, who he had an appointment with on Monday, saying he was called up by the army and that Seth's appointment would be rescheduled for Thursday. Seth said that that was fine, only because he didn't really want so see that doctor, he wanted to see his partner, Dr K, who was over the trial but he could only get the appointment with Dr G.  Seth then sent off an email to the head doctor, Dr K, saying we had returned to Israel to be apart of the trial and we were would like to meet with him as soon as he had time available. Dr K's secretary responded saying,"He will see you tomorrow at 1:30." Our jaws dropped opened. Only because we know how hard it is to get into see this doctor (usually a 6 month wait) and if you remember our last visit, it took a miracle to get to see him and he saw us on his off hours. So yesterday Seth and I went and met with Dr K. He questioned and examined Seth to see if he still physically qualified for the trial. He said that he might have one more spot in the trial. We held our breath. He asked Seth why he wasn't going to be a part of the same trial that was going to start in Boston? Seth told him because he was diagnosed over 3 years ago and no longer qualifies. Dr K said that was the case for his trial as well. Meaning Seth won't qualify. Then he started a conversation about being treated by what they call compassionate use (this is treating you outside of the trial). We knew that being treated out of compassion was our best shot for treatment and we were happy to have him start the conversation. In September he said that the Health department wasn't letting anyone be treated outside of the trial, but apparently things have change, and they have changed only in the past week (from what I understood). So by next Sunday/Monday Dr K might know IF this is a possibility, but not WHO this is a possibility for. He is being held up by one doctor at the Ministry of Health to allow the compassion treatment to be given. So, this is where we need to call on your prayers. One, that this doctor will allow this compassionate treatment and two, that Seth can be chosen. My heart fills as I think of us being here this week, getting an appointment, and even talking to Dr K of the possibilities of the future. In the last three years I have learned the hurt of disappointment and the careful dance of having hope in something. We must have hope, but sometimes you learn that that thing or path that you have hoped for, isn't suppose to be yours. BUT, I do believe in miracles. I have seen them, I have been apart of them, and I can not deny them. They have been big and small. They have changed our lives and opened our eyes. We still do not know if this trial is what we are suppose to do or why we came to Israel, but we sure would like it to be an option to us. So tonight as you hold your family close and offer a pray, offer one for us that the best thing can happen, and that we can be prepared for that answer "no matter what" it may be.


  1. We will pray and pray and pray some more for you and your family.

  2. Miracles are already happening! More prayers coming!

  3. OF course! Seth and you are always in my prayers. I'll just add a little extra tonight.
